Refund & Cancellation policy

We aim to accept all the orders successfully placed by the customers,in some situations we may have to cancel the order.

Following are the situations: -

( Check Return Team whatsapp number/email id on Our App/Website )

Video guidelines

Once our Return Team Checks the attached video,we might Contact You.

As Per the return team’s solution we might either refund/exchange the product

We might require additional verifications or information before accepting any order. If there is any pendency we will inform you of the order be processed or cancelled fully or partially. If the order is cancelled after you made the payment, we might contact you to inform regarding the unavailability of stock or any issue which will be refunded in your wallet/source of payment within 7 working days.

Cancellations by the Customer

We are here to serve you the best,once an order is placed on our website,it cannot be cancelled/reversed. We understand that sometimes circumstances change and you might need to cancel the order. However, we cannot make exceptions to our policy and hence, we appreciate your understanding to our policy of cancellation.